

Charles Proteus Steinmetz was one of the best-known figures of the early 20th Century.

Charles Proteus Steinmetz was one of the best-known figures of the early 20th Century. His work made the generation and transmission of electricity safe and possible. Today we live in a world built on electricity.

Steinmetz’s theories gave control to the electrical age through mathematics. These were the keys to unlock the mystery and power of a force that would change life around the globe.

While his formulas and computations were dense and complex, he reveled in life’s simple pleasures and cared deeply about the condition of his fellow man.

Steinmetz was an immigrant born with multiple disabilities, including hip displaysia, curvature of the spine and dwarfism. He was just over four feet tall and often wracked with pain. Yet he lived a robust, active life. He was not a recluse who confined himself to the lab, but was instead a warm congenial man whose charm transcended the superficial impression of his physical appearance.

Steinmetz was a progressive thinker who championed the working man. He was a tiny man who changed our world in great ways. He was a man who never lost sight of the value of human dignity.
